Information aspects and macroaspects: typical checking tasks on the basics of mathematical methods in socionics


  • Yurii P. Minaiev
  • Irina P. Datsenko
  • M. V. Pinda


socionics, mathematical methods, group, subgroup, binary operation, information aspects and macroaspects, groups of bipolar traits


This article is the twentieth in a series devoted to organization of student studies, where they will learn mathematical apparatus of socionics. A system of typical checking tasks on the topic “Information aspects and macroaspects” is proposed. Each of these tasks is formulated in a general way and then can be presented in several versions requiring the application of the learned material to a given specific case. It is assumed that all the students who have completed the course of study should learn to perform such tasks.


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How to Cite

Minaiev, Y. P., Datsenko, I. P., & Pinda, M. V. (2019). Information aspects and macroaspects: typical checking tasks on the basics of mathematical methods in socionics. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relationships, (9-10), 28–35. Retrieved from




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