The symbols of dual dyads in the “square” and “quadra” frames


  • Yurii P. Minaiev


socionics, Jung typology, intertype relations groups, square group, quadra group, dual dyad


It is watched the important question for the socionics didactic – noncontradictory conversion from Jung’s typology to the theory of information metabolism types by A. Augustinavichute. It is marked the complimentary of two alternative groups of bipolar significances which helps to realize this conversion being used. Also it is paid attention to the complimentary of two groups of intertype relations appearing in this process – the group square and the group quadra. It is given schematic illustration the role of dual relations as constituent element in the groups square and quadra.


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How to Cite

Minaiev, Y. P. (2014). The symbols of dual dyads in the “square” and “quadra” frames. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relationships, (9-10), 43–50. Retrieved from




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