The complimentary of two groups of bipolar significances for types of information metabolism on analyzes of inter-type relations by Augustinavichute
socionics, inter-type relations “dissociation”, spectrum of coincidences of bipolar significances polars, Augustinavichute-Reinin significances, alternative basis of bipolar significances, C. Jung typologyAbstract
It is continued the research of the “dissociation” effect of inter-type relations. This effect was discovered by G. Reynin on his attempt to analyze them on the base of coincidence of the bipolar significances polars for types of information metabolism. It is marked the field of crossing the tables of inter-type relations which is built by using of two groups of bipolar significances. It is proposed the practical algorithm which is been seized could be change the learning of the inter-type relations table for the beginners. This algorithm is based on the analyze of coincidence of the bipolar significances polars for types of information metabolism from the short list, which has the both of list groups.
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