About Reynin’s fours which are not be able to receive with Augustinavichute-Reynin’s dichotomies


  • Yurii P. Minaiev


socionics, inter-type relationships theory by Augustinavichute, inter-type relationships theory by Reinin, Augustinavichute-Reinin significances, Reynin little-groups, type of information metabolism


It is shown that the analysis of inter-type relationships by the position of Reynin’s bipolar significances is leading to the results which are not concordant principally with Augustinavichute theory of inter-type relationships. It is considered the bright example of such non co-ordination which was disguised by mistakes which had been done on construction the table of the forms of Reynin’s little-groups.


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How to Cite

Minaiev, Y. P. (2013). About Reynin’s fours which are not be able to receive with Augustinavichute-Reynin’s dichotomies. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (6), 15–22. Retrieved from https://publishing.socionic.info/index.php/socionics/article/view/346




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