Aspekt binarity of functions in blocks of A model as the factor, determining the TIM selectivity to the information


  • Zinaida Shkavro


socionics, type of information metabolism, A model, block of functions, type definition, dimension of function


It is necessary to consider indissolubility of the coupled functions in the block of A model at their analysis during the TIM identification. It is shown that the selectivity to the information of two personality types with the same function of the same dimensions at different complementarity of the blocks considerably differs, as the vector of the purpose, interest to certain area of the information changes.


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How to Cite

Shkavro, Z. (2013). Aspekt binarity of functions in blocks of A model as the factor, determining the TIM selectivity to the information. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (1), 16–25. Retrieved from




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