Intertype relations Supervisor and Supervisee in the family


  • Oksana Lysenkova


socionics, intertype relationships, A-model, supervision relations, ET (EIE), TP (ILI)


The article is devoted to the problem of some of the most uncomfortable intertype relationship arising in the family between mother and child - supervision relations. An example of such a relationship is considered. The heroine of the article is the media type ET (EIE), the mother of 12 year old daughter, a representative of the type TP (ILI). This work will be of interest to psychologists, psychotherapists, especially whose works in the direction of “family therapy”, teachers and educators, as well as everyone who accidentally turned in a rather difficult situation when the supervision relations associate (or, unfortunately, separated) the most close and dear people.


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How to Cite

Lysenkova, O. (2014). Intertype relations Supervisor and Supervisee in the family. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (1), 25–33. Retrieved from


