15 little groups of inter-type relations which making up 23 bipolar significances for information metabolism types
socionics, Augustinavichiute, inter-type relations theory, Reinin inter-type relations theory, bipolar significances, little groups of inter-type relationsAbstract
It is proposed the dividing of the Socion by the fours of information metabolism types in such way that in each case the assortment of three inter-type relations will be the same for each four been got. It is discovered that such division could be done in 15 variants by the using the Augustinavichiute inter-type relations theory or in 35 variants by the using the Reinin inter-type relations theory. To each division it is corresponding the triplet of bipolar significances. Except for 15 well-known Augustinavichiute-Reinin significances it is naturally to give up the 8 new additionally ones.
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