From the Cayley graph for the group of classic intertype relation operators to the structural formula of Socion


  • Yurii P. Minaiev
  • Irina Datsenko
  • Maksim Popovich


socionics, classic intertype relations, group of intertype relation operators, Cayley graph, Socion structure, Socion model, structural formula of Socion


Authors have traced a connection between the Cayley graph for the group of classic intertype relation operators and scheme of ring structure of Socion. Attention is paid to essential distinctions between group of intertype relation operators by Augustinavichute (D8×C2) and group of intertype relation operators by Reinin (C2×C2×C2×C2). These distinctions show up as fundamental lack of coincidence between different structural models of Socion, based on those group graphs.


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How to Cite

Minaiev, Y. P., Datsenko, I., & Popovich, M. (2015). From the Cayley graph for the group of classic intertype relation operators to the structural formula of Socion. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (4), 23–28. Retrieved from




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