The problem of “dissociation” of intertype relations by the spectra of coincidences of bipolar significances polars


  • Yurii P. Minaiev


socionics, intertype relations “dissociation”, spectra of coincidences of bipolar significances polars, C. Jung typology, type of information metabolism, Augustinavichute-Reinin significances, alternative basis of bipolar significances


It is paid attention to the “dissociation” which is taking place in the half of all variants of intertype relations by Augustinavichute which were received by G. Reynin by the analyzing from the point of view of using the bipolar significances. It is made the analogical analyzing with the using of alternative bipolar significances basis which is more corresponding to the C. Jung typology. It is appeared in this case, that non-symmetrical relations are dissociated not by rational and irrational (as G. Reynin had done) but by democracy and aristocracy. And among the symmetrical relations it is taking place the “dissociation” not by the cooperation, congenerity, mirage and semi-duality but by the mirror, activation, conflict and quasi-identity.


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How to Cite

Minaiev, Y. P. (2014). The problem of “dissociation” of intertype relations by the spectra of coincidences of bipolar significances polars. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (3), 30–37. Retrieved from




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