Outstanding properties of the super-ego operator
socionics, types of information metabolism, intertype relations, group of intertype relation operators, factorgroup, “homogeneous” groups of four types, super-ego operator, bipolar traits, Augustinavichiute?Reynin traits, Jung?Minaiev traitsAbstract
The study of the socion tetrachotomies for “homogeneous” groups of four types was continued. There was considered that variant of the socion tetrachotomies, when each group of four types has its own “formula” consisting of three operators of classical (by Augustinavichiute) intertype relations. It has been found that in these cases the super-ego operator is always present in the “formula”. It is clearly shown how to get all 56 cases of the “four-formula” socion tetrachotomies into the “homogeneous” groups of four types of informational metabolism.
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