Structure of the minimum group of the socion sections containing the Augustinavichiute-Reinin traits group and the Jung-Minaiev traits group in its composition


  • Yurii P. Minaiev
  • Irina P. Datsenko
  • M. V. Pinda


socionics, classical intertype relations, group of all possible sections of the socion, group of central sections, bipolar traits, Augustinavichiute–Reinin traits group, Jung–Minaiev traits group, factor group, normal subgroup, cosets, homomorphism


Studying of the 32-element subgroup of the 32768-element group of all possible sections of the socion is continued. This group is distinguished from the point of view of classical intertype relations. It is the minimum in number of elements group of sections of the socion, which contains as subgroups the Augustinavichiute-Reinin traits group and the Jung-Minaiev traits group in its composition. These are two groups of central sections of the socion that provide all “good” sections of the socion, under which the same set of operators of classical (according to Augustinavichiute) intertype relations is realized in each part. The 8-element factor group in the normal 4-element subgroup, which included, in addition to the trait of existence, such bipolar traits: irrationals/rationals, democrats/aristocrats, right/left, was used as a research tool.


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How to Cite

Minaiev, Y. P., Datsenko, I. P., & Pinda, M. V. (2017). Structure of the minimum group of the socion sections containing the Augustinavichiute-Reinin traits group and the Jung-Minaiev traits group in its composition. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (6), 44–49. Retrieved from




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