Come to I-Dunno-Where Bring I-Dunno-What… or Philosophical Apprehension of Loops and Blocks of the Model A


  • Tatyana Prokofieva


Model A, mental loop, vital loop, Ego, Superego, Superid, Id


The article represents profound analysis of meaning and function of the Mental and Vital loops and horizontal blocks of the Model A. It is shown how to approach profound analysis of human psyche through research of state of functions included into horizontal blocks, how to improve efficiency of psychological aid to a client in course of socionic psychological consulting. This approach is also efficient for self-analysis and self-help.


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How to Cite

Prokofieva, T. (2006). Come to I-Dunno-Where Bring I-Dunno-What… or Philosophical Apprehension of Loops and Blocks of the Model A. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (3), 5–17. Retrieved from




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