Civilization Development Strategies from the Viewpoint of Socionics and Life in the Universe


  • А.В. Букалов


SETI, the number of biospheres in the Universe, astrobiology, life in the Galaxy, civilization development strategy, new communication means, thermodynamics, integral socionics, the law of quadral succession


In terms of socionics and, in particular, the law of quadral succession of Bukalov-Gulenko, possible options of development of the human civilization in the context of existence of other biospheres and civilizations in the Galaxy and the Universe as a whole is considered. Based on the new physical approach to description of characteristics of the living matter, the author managed to obtain for the first time the quantitative meaning of mass of the living matter in the Universe, the number of biospheres in the Universe (Nbio»3,3·1018), and the number of biospheres in our Galaxy (N»(1±0,5)·108). Another result is that the average distance between biospheres in the Galaxy is l ? 25 light years. However, the probability of finding an extraterrestrial civilization analogous to the terrestrial is very low, P»10-5. Fundamental unsuitability of the paradigm of expansive and extensive strategies of development of the modern terrestrial civilization cultivated by the extroverted Western culture being at the stage of development corresponding to the third quadra, is demonstrated. Transition to the fourth stage of evolution of the human civilization is inevitable, which will result in dominance of the strategy of intensive development based on utilization of low energy quantum technologies, which makes a civilization low-radiant and practically undetectable in the electromagnetic range. This process is accompanied by demographic stabilization. The proposed scenario proves to be the only possible for survival of the civilization. The performed analysis explains absence of contacts with existing extraterrestrial civilizations in the modern age and gives solution to E.Fermi’s astro-sociological paradox.


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How to Cite

Букалов, А. (2004). Civilization Development Strategies from the Viewpoint of Socionics and Life in the Universe. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (1), 68–75. Retrieved from




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