On the Possibility of Application of Probability Models in Socionics


  • Irina Kameneva


personality, individuality, Jungian psychological functions, probability density, semantic scale, probability filter, dimensions, multidimensional data analysis


Probability based models of V.V.Nalimov are analyzed, where human individuality is determined by probability density built on the semantic scale. Multidimensional generalization of Nalimov’s probability-based model is considered, where Jungian psychological functions are used as scales, and personality is represented as multidimensional probability-based system of informational filters. Such formulation of the problem allows transition to the model of multidimensional data analysis, where the set of separate scales (dimensions) forms together a whole image in the multidimensional space of human conditions.


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How to Cite

Kameneva, I. (2003). On the Possibility of Application of Probability Models in Socionics. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (1), 71–76. Retrieved from https://publishing.socionic.info/index.php/socionics/article/view/1615


