About Successive Use and Activation Corresponding Personal Factors in the Process of the Phased Psychotherapeutical Healing the Boundary Psychopathology


  • Dmitriy Ivanov


boundary psychopathology, neurosis, socionics, type of informational metabolism, hypnotibility, psychotherapy, function of informational metabolism, reducing the terms of the healing


Effective resonance psychotherapy of the patients with different forms of neurosis is possible in the case of the aimed influence on the corresponding factors of the socionical types of the informational metabolism. The past of the influence on suggestive (5th), activational (6th), intellectual (1st), creative (2nd) and other functions regarded. There was revealed a dependence of the hypnotibility from the socionical type of the patient. Applying the methods of socionics increase the effectiveness as individual and group psychotherapy and reduce the terms of the healing.


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How to Cite

Ivanov, D. (1998). About Successive Use and Activation Corresponding Personal Factors in the Process of the Phased Psychotherapeutical Healing the Boundary Psychopathology. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (4), 38–41. Retrieved from https://publishing.socionic.info/index.php/socionics/article/view/1574




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