Socionics, typologies of Jung and Mayers-Briggs: resemblance and difference.


  • А.В. Букалов


typology of Jung, typology of Mayers-Briggs, socionics, psychological types, 8th component model of the type, 16th component model of the type, selfness, information, libido


The differences between the structure of Jung's psychological types, types of informational metabolism in socionics and typology of were analyzed. It was shown that typology of Mayers-Briggs in contradistinction to socionics is not derived directly from the typology of Jung. The reason of divergences lies in the different understanding of the work of the psychic functions in the type and leading in the indication J-P, different from the concepts of rationality-irrationality proposed by Jung. Nevertheless differences in conceptions can be integrated in 16th component model B of the type of informational metabolism, which is including an integrational function -. This model is joining as introversial (Jung, Mayers-Briggs) and extraversial (socionics) approach to the analysis of the structure of the psychological types.


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How to Cite

Букалов, А. (1998). Socionics, typologies of Jung and Mayers-Briggs: resemblance and difference. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (4), 24–32. Retrieved from




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