Disappearing in Order to Reappear


  • Viktor Gulenko


socionics, psychology, socionic type, psychological type, informational aspect, psychical function, intertype relationships


A definition of the socionic type is proposed, the problem of relation of manifestations of typological traits with functional conditions of personality is considered. It is demonstrated that informational aspects may be described by seven pairs of binary criteria (dimensions). Functional conditions of personality peculiar to each of the dichotomies considered are described. Intertype relationships are considered in the light of interaction of specific informational metabolism functions.



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How to Cite

Gulenko, V. (1995). Disappearing in Order to Reappear. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (3), 23–36. Retrieved from https://publishing.socionic.info/index.php/socionics/article/view/1369


