The L.O.T. Questionnaire – a Method of Measuring Jungian Functions with New Possibilities


  • Victor Talanov


psychology, neural psychology, personality psychology, psychical diagnostics, logic, ethic, sensation, intuition, extroversion, introversion, dichotomy


A model of links between separate Jungian functions and dichotomies represented as multilevel lever scales is proposed. It is presumed to be more correct, due to non-rigid nature of reciprocal balance between the function in dichotomies, to measure not dichotomies, but each function separately. The article gives detailed history, procedure of creation and structure of V.L.Talanov’s LOT Questionnaire of 340 questions (a short version consists of 240 questions), which has higher sensibility and reliability compared to other analogous methodologies, and is designed for independent measurement of each of the 8 functions — extroverted and introverted components of logic, ethic, sensation and intuition. Examples are given to illustrate unique opportunities of applying this new methodology in Jungian psychology, in socionics and in researches adjacent to physiology and neural psychology.


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How to Cite

Talanov, V. (2002). The L.O.T. Questionnaire – a Method of Measuring Jungian Functions with New Possibilities. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (5), 9–28. Retrieved from


