Caution - Russian Wikipedia: a story with socionics, or watchmen against academicians


  • A.V. Bukalov
  • E.A. Donchenko
  • A.M. Eljashevich
  • V.V. Gritsak-Groener
  • et al


socionics, Wikipedia, subjectivism, arbitrariness, personality types, science, authoritative sources


In a collective article by scientists from a number of countries, the principles of editing the “People´s Encyclopedia Wikipedia” are considered. It is shown that fatal defects are inherent in its functioning, since articles are written not by specialists, but by amateurs who, as a rule, do not have the proper qualifications. As an example, the situation with the “Socionics” article in the Russian Wikipedia (unlike the vast majority of versions in other languages) is considered, which not only contains false and erroneous statements, but even the fundamental principles and rules of Wikipedia itself are completely violated. For example, dozens of authoritative sources that define socionics as a long-established academic science or scientific direction are completely ignored and discarded. Sections on the numerous long-term application of socionic methods in practice are systematically discarded: in manned cosmonautics, civil aviation, management, pedagogy, psychotherapy, sports, linguistics, didactics, family counseling, etc. At the same time, a group of Russian Wikipedia participants who seized control over editing article, and being clearly incompetent in this matter, shows open aggression towards any attempts to correct the situation, indefinitely blocking all those who disagree with such actions, and also spreading its vandalism attempts to the English version of Wikipedia.


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How to Cite

Bukalov, A., Donchenko, E., Eljashevich, A., Gritsak-Groener, V., & et al и. . (2022). Caution - Russian Wikipedia: a story with socionics, or watchmen against academicians. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relationships, (1-2), 42–51. Retrieved from


