The experimental works on the problem “intellect as the cosmoplanet phenomenon”
antropoecology, geomagnetic field, brain electric potentials, solar activity, intellect, cosmogeophysical space structure, embryo developmentAbstract
It is studied the influence of the solar activity and geomagnetic environment on the human organism and psychics. It is shown that the geomagnetic environment, being the important cosmophysical element, produces the influence on the intellectual-psychics human status. The geophysical conditions variations in the certain periods of the internal human development can cause the formation of the human organism chemical dependence on the psychically active matters as well as the intellect defects and the psychical diseases development. There is the reliable correlative connection between the intellect coefficient and the solar activity level near the calculated fecundation date. Thus the intellect, the psychical functions, the human diseases and the creative abilities reflect the cosmogeophysical space structure in several generations.
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