The theory of subtypes on Т-models and their short description


  • Vladimir Stukas


dichotomy, introtimness, unbalanced subtype, subtypes, psychical function, psychophysiological Т-model, arole, socionical type, signals of high intensity, signals of low intensity, typology, type of information metabolism (TIM), brake filter of the top le


The theoretical bases of allocation of two subtypes, empirically revealed by V.V.Gulenko, from a position of psychophysiological T-model are expounded. There are proposed the short characteristics of subtypes of all 16 socionical types, proceeding from psychophysiological bases.


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How to Cite

Stukas, V. (2010). The theory of subtypes on Т-models and their short description. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (6), 34–43. Retrieved from




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