Model Т returns Socionics in the bosom of psychology


  • Vladimir Stukas


psychophysiological model Т, Jung mental function, thresholds (options) of filters of mental functions, suggesting, cultural-historical, information aspects, type of information metabolism, extraversion, introversion, the information metabolism, braking-a


In article the new approach to information aspects in a foreshortening of psychophysiological model Т is planned; the definition of Jung’s mental function from a position of model Т is given; the parallels between model Т, on the one hand, Z.Freud’s dynamic psychology and the concept of motivational hierarchy by A.Maslow, with another are drawn.


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How to Cite

Stukas, V. (2009). Model Т returns Socionics in the bosom of psychology. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (2), 24–29. Retrieved from




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