Symmetrization of the periodic system of the socion


  • Yuri Bratkov


socionics, socion, intertype relationships, quadra, duality, Periodical system of Socion


The PSS by G. Schulman is clarified. The new version of the PSS is more symmetrical, which allows to see in it a non-trivial geometry, to loop the PSS, to detect the equality of dual shifts in quadra, to rid ILE of a strange fate, and a couple IEI-SLE of particular tension interaction, to expose the sensory nature of IEI, to help extroverts suppress introverts, to do the control relations more logical and to look in a different perspective on the work of the rings of social progress.


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How to Cite

Bratkov, Y. (2012). Symmetrization of the periodic system of the socion. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (4), 71–79. Retrieved from


