Socionics Within Group Typology


  • Sergei Stepanov


socionics, informational metabolism, mass consiousness, ideology, political party


It is stressed in the article that peculiarities of the consciousness, not only individual, but also that of masses, are differentiated by the perception of the surrounding world. Therefore, methodological use of socionics proves to have success in larger social group studies also. Nonetheless, socionic regularities proper for the individual level and inter-presonal relations can not be mechanically transposed over the social scale where groups and masses are the principal acting agents. Taking into account this social scale, one has to say about the mass-differentiated thinking and select types of group informational metabolism each with its proper particularities in perception of the surrounding world and hierarchy of values. In this case, a political party - a consciously organized and socially active representative of this or that kind of mass consciousness that manifests a certain position with regard to values - appears to be a perfect object of scientific investigation.


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How to Cite

Stepanov, S. (1999). Socionics Within Group Typology. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (6), 19–23. Retrieved from


