Relation Between Psycho-Informational Environment and Structure of Events Within the Physical Temporal Continuum. Synchronics


  • А.В. Букалов


socionics, structuring of psychic environment, synchronistic model, synchronics, Bukalov's "magic row", synchronistic archetypes, history


It is shown that the phenomenon of psycho-informational (psychic) environment structuring and quantitation (as discovered by the author earlier) manifests itself also in the structure of physical temporal-spatial environment on the causal level, thus forming a 'magic row' of numbers: 7±1, 10±1, 17±1, 27±1, 44±1... which act as indicators of integral patterns characteristic to any given event. As processing of statistical data related to 850 information on accidents and catastrophes has shown, the number of individuals involved in each such accident has been truly correspondent to the 'magic row' numbers. Therefore, it shall be possible to use causal models (analogous to socionic ones) for description of the internal structure of the physical temporal-spatial environment, and to create a singular fractal model (B(SIN)) that would include in itself structures of psycho-informational environment (, I), physical temporal-spatial environment (X, T) and energy impulse (p, E). The 'temporal-spatial' component of the model is semantically tied to the psychic one and synchronistically (as K. Jung put it) influences participants of the event forming indivisible synchronistic event patterns indicated by the number of participating subjects or objects. The B(SIN) model also gives explanation of some paradoxes related to 'recurrence of humane history' and discovered by N. Мorozov and А. Fomenko, and certain other phenomena.


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How to Cite

Букалов, А. (1999). Relation Between Psycho-Informational Environment and Structure of Events Within the Physical Temporal Continuum. Synchronics. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (4), 3–7. Retrieved from




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