“That you see here sensory!” or “Everyone has his own socionics!”


  • Alina Ovchinnikova
  • Victor Prokofiev


socionics, type of informational metabolism, psychology, diagnostics, self-analysis, psychoanalysis, Jungian basis, Augustinavichiute-Reinin traits, small groups


The article concerns the peculiarities of individual perception of Socionics bases and problems encountered with their false interpretation.


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How to Cite

Ovchinnikova, A., & Prokofiev, V. (2013). “That you see here sensory!” or “Everyone has his own socionics!”. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (6), 27–34. Retrieved from https://publishing.socionic.info/index.php/socionics/article/view/348




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