Socion as an 8-element set of dual pairs


  • Yurii Minaiev


socionics, group theory, group center, factor group, types of informational metabolism, intertype relations, interpair relations, Augustinavichiute?Reynin traits, Jung?Minaiev traits


The study of interpair relations in the socion is continued. The case of socion division into dual pairs is considered. Formalized notation for interpair relation operators adequate to this case is proposed. It is shown that the group of such operators is a noncommutative 8-element factor group of the 16-element group of intertype relation operators. A preliminary analysis of the 8-element group of relation operators between dual pairs made it possible to substantiate the division of the 16-element set of intertype relation operators into four equal parts, which is useful for didactics of socionics.


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How to Cite

Minaiev, Y. (2023). Socion as an 8-element set of dual pairs. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (1-2), 9–14. Retrieved from


