A look at the bipolar signs of information metabolism types from the point of view of classical intertype relations


  • Yurii Minaiev


socionics, group of operators of classical intertype relations and its subgroups, quotient groups, cosets, operators of interpair relations, Augustinavichute–Reynin traits, Jung – Minaiev traits


A 32-element group of socion sections is considered, which contains 4 subgroups of order 16. For all socion sections included in this group, formalized designations are intro-duced that make it easy to perform a group binary operation. It is shown that two of the four subgroups are distinguished from the point of view of classical intertype relations. Socion representations are used in the form of 8 element sets of pairs of types, combined into pairs by one of the types of symmetric intertype relationships. It is shown that in the case of split-ting the socion into pairs of one of three types (dual, extinguishing and superego), it is possi-ble to introduce operators of interpair relations, which are expressed through the well-known operators of classical intertype relations.


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How to Cite

Minaiev, Y. (2022). A look at the bipolar signs of information metabolism types from the point of view of classical intertype relations. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (3-4), 28–42. Retrieved from https://publishing.socionic.info/index.php/socionics/article/view/2807


