Using the analysis of the author's tale in typing practice


  • E. Rusina
  • Alexander Mitin


methods for determining TIM, semantic analysis of the author's tale, aspect analysis of information, free mental flow, data for analyzing the convergence of experts from different schools


The task of writing a fairy tale on any topic is an effective method for studying information metabolism. The author's tale is a source of a huge amount of material about the psyche of the subject. The psyche in a creative situation relies on its strong functions, gives out a psychic stream corresponding to TIM, in which it is possible to distinguish between dominant aspects, Augustinavichute-Reinin traits, and quadral values. The analysis of a fairy tale is not only a valuable diagnostic material for determining TIM, but can also serve as material for checking the convergence between different socionic schools, different authors, and also be used for further research and for teaching socionics.


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How to Cite

Rusina, E., & Mitin, A. (2022). Using the analysis of the author’s tale in typing practice. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (3-4), 18–23. Retrieved from


