The coping strategies of people with character accentuations


  • T. Levina Новосибирский государственный технический университет


coping, coping strategies, character accentuation, character, social adaptation, adaptive behavior, adaptive strategies, youthful age


The article presents the results of a study of the relationship between the manifestation of accentuations of character and strategies of adaptive behavior obtained with Patocharakterological diagnostic questionnaire and the questionnaire of Strategy of adaptive behavior. It is revealed that the intensity of character accentuation has a relationship with the preference for adaptive behavior strategies. The interrelations between the expression of the sensitive type of accentuation and the desire to actively change the environment, to escape from contact with the environment and immersion in the inner world are revealed; the severity of the schizoid-type accentuation and aspiration to a passive expectation of changes, a desire for active change itself; a manifestation of the conformal type of character accentuations and the desire to escape the environment and find new to passive subjection to the environment; the severity of the epileptic, unstable, asthenic-neurotic, conformal types of accentuations and the desire for passive representation itself.


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How to Cite

Levina, T. (2018). The coping strategies of people with character accentuations. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (5), 57–60. Retrieved from


