The Cayley graph for the group of classic intertype relation operators


  • Yurii P. Minaiev
  • Irina Datsenko
  • Maksim Popovich


socionics, classic intertype relations, intertype relation operators, non-commutative operator group, subgroup, Cayley graph


Structure of the classic intertype relation operator group (by Augustinavichute) is analyzed in the article. The Cayley graphs for all proper subgroups are given. It is shown how to construct the planar Cayley graph with undirected edges for the whole intertype relation operator group. The used set of group generators contains three operators of symmetrical intertype relations.


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How to Cite

Minaiev, Y. P., Datsenko, I., & Popovich, M. (2015). The Cayley graph for the group of classic intertype relation operators. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (3), 43–49. Retrieved from




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