Interpretation of subtypes of TIMs by complete T-model


  • Vladimir Stukas


socionic type (TIM), subtype, terminal subtype, initial subtype, A-model, psychophysiology, Т-model, psychical function (PF), nervous system (NS), general thresholds of NS, private thresholds of NS, force/weakness of NS, steadiness/unbalance of NS, exciti


In article the bases for construction of complete T-model (psycho-physiological model of information metabolism) are expounded. The formulas of complete model Т are resulted. It is given the interpretation of subtypes of types of information metabolism, allocated and described by V.Gulenko as terminal and initial subtypes, by means of complete T-model.


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How to Cite

Stukas, V. (2008). Interpretation of subtypes of TIMs by complete T-model. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (4), 10–15. Retrieved from




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