Early diagnostics of military men of the urgent service inclined to the disadaptation failures


  • Dmitriy Ivanov
  • Oleg Rychka


military men of urgent service, boundary psychopathology, an asthenic syndrome, criteria of disadaptation failures, types of an information metabolism


On the basis of clinic-psychopathological, experimentally-psychological, physiological and biochemical methods of researches features of boundary psychopathology with a leading asthenic syndrome at military men of urgent service are revealed. Formation risk factors of disadaptation failures at military men of urgent service taking into account various types of an information metabolism are studied. Psychopreventive actions depending on a dominating risk factor of disadaptation military men are offered. Necessity of an individual explanation is proved by command of principles of one-man management of the military man.

How to Cite

Ivanov, D., & Rychka, O. (2007). Early diagnostics of military men of the urgent service inclined to the disadaptation failures. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (4), 5–19. Retrieved from https://publishing.socionic.info/index.php/socionics/article/view/1835




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