Fifteen Dimensions of Dichotomy in Typology of the Person


  • Aushra Augustinavichiute
  • Gregory Reinin


socionics, socion, dichotomy, Reinin dimensions, type of the person


In offered work the group of characteristic of a set of dichotomy consisting from 16 psycho-types is received. 15 possible paired orthogonal sections on given basis set and some attributes corresponding to them are described. Identification of all 15 sections with the certain attributes of dichotomy opens wide opportunities for drawing up of reliable tests to definition of the type of person and for use in this field of psychology of well developed mathematical instrument of the theory of groups.


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How to Cite

Augustinavichiute, A., & Reinin, G. (2006). Fifteen Dimensions of Dichotomy in Typology of the Person. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (4), 35–38. Retrieved from


