Socionic Portraits of Sensory Extroverts as Historical Figures: Napoleon Bonaparte, Caius Julius Caesar


  • Yuri Perel
  • Inna Dolgopolskaya


socionics, psychological type, socionic type, Napoleon Bonaparte, Caius Julius Caesar, extroversion, space-capturing sensation (power sensation), intuition of possibilities, irrationality, ethic, logic


Socionic types of Napoleon Bonaparte and Caius Julius Caesar are analyzed. Authors of the article substantiate the hypothesis that Napoleon Bonaparte belonged to the type sensory-logical extrovert (FL, Legionnaire), and Julius Caesar to the type sensory-ethical extrovert (FR, Politician).


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How to Cite

Perel, Y., & Dolgopolskaya, I. (2005). Socionic Portraits of Sensory Extroverts as Historical Figures: Napoleon Bonaparte, Caius Julius Caesar. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (1), 5–13. Retrieved from




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