Theory of Informational Metabolism of Psyche in Researching and Developing Methodology of Creative Development of People with Specific Needs
socionics, informational metabolism model of psyche, psychical functions, informational flow aspects, informational contents, reaction towards influence, functional orientation, specific needs, physical restrictionsAbstract
Peculiarities of social adaptation of people with special needs, e.g. physically handicapped, in the modern world are considered from the viewpoint of models of informational metabolism type of the psyche. It is emphasized that specific functioning of the informational metabolism type model of such people is awoken by peculiarities of processes of perception of informational aspects of the flow of psyche interaction with the outer world and thus with informational contents of the psychical functions and the reaction of specific informational metabolism type of psyche towards influence. Consideration of these peculiarities should become an efficient instrument of pedagogy, functional (professional) choice, individual and personal growth and organization of life of people with specific needs.
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