Once Again about the Sign "Judging - Perceiving"
socionics, psychological types, typology of Mayers-Briggs, sign J-P, sign rationality-irrationalityAbstract
Carried out by V. L. Pavlov identifying the sign J-P in the typology of Mayers-Briggs with the sign statics-dynamics in socionics was criticized. Due to A. Augustinuvichute and A. V. Bukalov the sign J-P empirically (by description) but not theoretically coincides with the sign rationality-irrationality in the socionics
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Гуленко В. В. // Социон.— 1997. —№2.
Крегер О., Тьюсон Дж. Типы людей.— М. 1995.
How to Cite
Stoyakin, B. (1998). Once Again about the Sign "Judging - Perceiving". Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (4), 35–37. Retrieved from https://publishing.socionic.info/index.php/socionics/article/view/1572