Intertype relationships on the T-model from a position of Ego-states by E.Berne


  • Vladimir Stukas


transaction analysis, ego-state, socionic model, psycho physiological model, psychical function (PF), dual suggesting, pass-band (adjustment) of exciting (brake) filter PF, Ego-relation, exhausting stress, symmetric (asymmetric) intertype relationships


In the article is shown the legitimacy of the use of a paradigm of transaction analysis by E.Berne at consideration of intertype relationships. Intertype relationships are interpreted on the T–model by means of concept the "Ego-state".


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How to Cite

Stukas, V. (2009). Intertype relationships on the T-model from a position of Ego-states by E.Berne. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (5), 53–58. Retrieved from




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