Principle of complimentarity by N.Bohr and C.G.Jung’s mental functions


  • Vladimir Stukas
  • Elina Untilova


probability forecasting, perceiving functions, introversion, information metabolism in human psyche, quantum jump, macrophenomena, microobject, A-model and Т-model in socionics, advancing reflexion, the principle of complimentarity, psychical functions, p


In article the principle of complimentarity by N.Bohr from the point of view of its universality and with reference to Jung psychological typology is considered. It is claimed and shown the correspondence of physiological Т-model in socionics to a principle of the probability organisation of "environment-mentality" system.


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How to Cite

Stukas, V., & Untilova, E. (2011). Principle of complimentarity by N.Bohr and C.G.Jung’s mental functions. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (4), 67–70. Retrieved from


