Technique of diagnostics of personality type by T-data


  • Vladimir Stukas


verbal thinking, dynamic properties of individual, differential psychology, information properties of the individual, the distorting effect of self-esteem, psychical function (PF), psychomotor test, Spearman coefficient r, personality questionnaires, logical thinking, mobilization PF, the reliability of psychological tests, spatial thinking, strong PF, strength / weakness of the central nervous system, weak PF, socionics, typology, level of intelligence (IQ), IQ-test, “L”-data, “Q”-data, “T”-data


In the article the preconditions, the purpose, the concept and the technique maintenance “Diagnostics of of personality type by T-data” are stated. The course of the experimental research devoted to working off of the technique is described. The advantages of the technique are proved and its additional possibilities are resulted.


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How to Cite

Stukas, V. (2011). Technique of diagnostics of personality type by T-data. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (2), 13–25. Retrieved from


