Some Statistics as the Result of Socionic Researches at School.


  • Nadezhda Prilepskaya


socionics, pedagogy, psychology, information metabolism type, personality type, attitude groups (“clubs”), Jungian dichotomies


The author has performed diagnostics of children’s personality types (information metabolism types) in order to improve their adaptability to school. Statistics of 79 first-graders in 3 classes has revealed almost even distribution of informational metabolism types thru 4 Jungian dichotomies (T/F, S/N, E/I, Ra/Ir). Strict dependence of students’ distribution by attitude groups (“clubs”: S/N and T/F criteria), temperamental groups (E/I and Ra/Ir criteria), personality types, including the so-called “risk group” in a special corrective school has been discovered.


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How to Cite

Prilepskaya, N. (2001). Some Statistics as the Result of Socionic Researches at School. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, (4), 54–58. Retrieved from


