Communication. How to avoid problems?


  • Tatyana Prokofieva
  • Victor Prokofiev


socionics, intertype relationships, socionical masks, algebra of intertype relationships, psychological problems


The article is written on the basis of materials of seminar, devoted to algebra of intertype relationships, to a method, allowing to solve the personal and interpersonal problems in the paradigm of the socionical advising. On a seminar the real situations and problems of listeners were taken apart and the variants of their decision were offered. In the mode of the opened consultation the interaction of different types of informational metabolism, and also those cases, when the person is in a mask of another socionical type, were analyzed.


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How to Cite

Prokofieva, T., & Prokofiev, V. (2013). Communication. How to avoid problems?. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relationships, (10), 22–37. Retrieved from


