The health of the creative potential of a person: the nature and structure


  • Anatoliy Madzhuga
  • Irina Sinitsina


health, health of the creative potential of personality, and vector-contextual model of health of the creative potential of the individual, holistic approach


In this article the authors considered the Genesis of the concept of «potential», offered century-Torno-contextual model of health of the creative potential of personality, the essence of the mentioned phenomenon, presents characteristics of resource support of human health in the context of the holistic approach, shows and scientifically based structure of the health of the creative potential, which acts as a mechanism of self-knowledge, self-evaluation and self-development of man.


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How to Cite

Madzhuga, A., & Sinitsina, I. (2013). The health of the creative potential of a person: the nature and structure. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relationships, (10), 5–9. Retrieved from


