Application of socionics in correction relations on the example of a dual pair


  • M. Naumova


intertype relationships, dual relationships, A-model


This article will be interesting for those who want to have a comfortable relationship through understanding the structure, working on relationships. It will help in the formation of the environment, feel like a whole person and understand the nature of the relationship with Dual. And make them interesting, «cook» with the knowledge of Socionics. The article provides examples of the interaction of two TIMs, considers common points of contact, positive and negative interactions in situations. On the example of the dual pair LSI-EIE.


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How to Cite

Naumova, M. (2023). Application of socionics in correction relations on the example of a dual pair. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relationships, (1-2), 56–61. Retrieved from


