«Robespierre» taes off monochrome glasses


  • V. A. Yakusevich


identification, forceful sensory, SuperEgo, painful function, intuition of possibilities, the logic of relations, irrationality, “business relations”


How to understand the underlying motives of my behavior? How to correct the interaction with others, especially with close people, so that these relationships do not cause disappointment? The author of the article gives answers to these questions - a logical-intuitive introvert (Robespierre). The problems of self-identification of a particular psychotype are revealed, as well as some intertype relationships.


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How to Cite

Yakusevich, V. A. (2020). «Robespierre» taes off monochrome glasses. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relationships, (5-6), 53–57. Retrieved from https://publishing.socionic.info/index.php/psychology/article/view/2668


