What to do if you love not dual? Correspondence of types of relations to the features of certain TIMs


  • A. Riga
  • Tatyana Pedan


socionics, relations, dual, duality, communication, mutual understanding, love, TIM, partner, conflict, correction of relations


The author’s understanding of the features of different types of relationships in socionics is described: what unites partners, and what destroys relationships, and the deep perception of relationships by association with the characteristic features of each TIM.


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How to Cite

Riga, A., & Pedan, T. (2019). What to do if you love not dual? Correspondence of types of relations to the features of certain TIMs. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relationships, (9-10), 24–27. Retrieved from https://publishing.socionic.info/index.php/psychology/article/view/2582


