Fractal pedagogy as an imperative of modern socio-humanitarian knowledge


  • Anatoliy Madzhuga
  • Irina Sinitsina


noumenon, noumenal mentality, fractal pedagogy, fractal approach, the fractal principles of pedagogy, fractales, cultural and phenomenological fractal component of pedagogy, polyphonic self


Ideas about education as a way to translate knowledge cannot meet the challenges of modernity, since the methodological principles and practical didactic forms, methods and means were more consistent with the paradigm of classical and non-classical rationality, while the post-non-classical reality says different goals and priorities. The authors theoretically justify the need for the introduction of categorical apparatus of modern social and humanitarian knowledge of the concept of «fractal pedagogy», which will integrate science and social-humanitarian understanding of man as a multidimensional phenomenon, to justify the choice of means providing for the disclosure of actual and potential opportunities and personal fulfillment. This article conceptualized ideas of fractal pedagogy within the noumenal mentality; for the first time it is given the definition of the concept of «fractal pedagogy», examines its basic principles, historical retrospective evolutionary transformation of man from the standpoint of the theory of fractals.


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How to Cite

Madzhuga, A., & Sinitsina, I. (2015). Fractal pedagogy as an imperative of modern socio-humanitarian knowledge. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relationships, (9-10), 5–10. Retrieved from


