Interpretations of multicomponent typologies from the position of E. Berne's ego states on the example of socionics and A. Afanasyev's typology


  • O. Chernyshova


psychology, socionics, typology A. Afanasyeva, Eric Berne, Ego-states, Parent, Adult, Teenager, Child, TIM, personality setting, complementarity, duality, agape, function, aspects of functions, internal dynamics of types, self, closeness, self-actualization


Interpretations of multicomponent typologies are considered from the standpoint of the ego states by E. Berne. A new Ego-state of structural analysis is introduced that allows us to trace the internal dynamics of socionic and psychosophical types and find solutions to problems that arise in type carriers.


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How to Cite

Chernyshova, O. (2018). Interpretations of multicomponent typologies from the position of E. Berne’s ego states on the example of socionics and A. Afanasyev’s typology. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relationships, (3-4), 53–56. Retrieved from


