Observations from practice: the difference between the approaches of ESI and SEE to people


  • N. I. Moscovskih


socionics, white ethics, subjective ethics, ethics of relations, black sensing, volitional sensing, power sensing, internal speaker type, type of informational metabolism, sensory-ethical extravert, ethical-sensory introvert, Gamma Quadra, quadral values, the values of the third quadra


The article is devoted to the analysis of internal dynamics of ESI and SEE types, observations of representatives of socionic types with a strong “ethics of relations” (R) in the EGO-block within the framework of Gamma Quadra and consideration of the difference in approach to people from the carriers of the basic and creative “ethics of relations” in Gamma Quadra. This material can be useful for socionic practitioners studying the problems of type and/or self-typing diagnostics that face typological patterns of manifestation of the “ethics of relations” and Gamma-quadra values, as well as people interested in the internal dynamics of types.


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How to Cite

Moscovskih, N. I. (2018). Observations from practice: the difference between the approaches of ESI and SEE to people. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relationships, (3-4), 13–23. Retrieved from https://publishing.socionic.info/index.php/psychology/article/view/2401


