Physiological experimental scientific method for research the functional human’s system and the socionic aspects of the functions for using in psychology, medicine, health technologies, staff management


  • N. E. Krivo
  • Yu. A. Krivo


socionics, physiological, psychological, biomechanical, scoliosis, experimental, aspect-dichotomous, type of informational metabolism, evidential, functional system


This is a physiological evidential experimental method of determination the psycho-physiological characteristics of a particular person concerning the aspects of functions, type of informational metabolism with using a model by A. Augustinavichute. It is a natural-scientific technology using an anatomical and physiologically reasonable biomechanical tests (flexional test by Samorukov, etc.), the concepts of socionics and defining its physiological and psychological properties of a person under standardized conditions. The author's method of Yu.A. Krivo is available to learn.


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How to Cite

Krivo, N. E., & Krivo, Y. A. (2017). Physiological experimental scientific method for research the functional human’s system and the socionic aspects of the functions for using in psychology, medicine, health technologies, staff management. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relationships, (5-6), 39–42. Retrieved from


